about + diary + artists + symposium + exhibition + workshop + submissions + dislocate07 + dislocate06 + contact
Matt Green

Matts work proposes a new form of urban planning and development. Through the relocation of structures, paths and motifs from an elsewhere into a studied environment the experiential response of a situated participant is shaped. The projects aim is to create a believable augmented environment that, through interaction, reveals something of the host reality and of the real, surreal and unreal possibilities for that space. The work is a relocation of audiovisual data from one locale into another: A sense of place A whilst positioned within place B = Hybrid place. This is achieved through the use of GPS enabled PDAs which audience members will be able to take with them on a journey through Yokohama and their experience of the city will be intersected with another place through automatic playback of audio and visual material depending on the participants location.

Matt Green の作品は都市計画/開発の新しいかたちを提示します。どこかの街の姿を再現することで、人々に中にある種の反応を形成してゆきます。このプロジェクトの目的は、あくまで現実的な範疇で人為的に誇張された環境を提示することを通じ、私達の世界の現実的、超現実的、非現実的な姿を描き出すことです。Aという場所の音声や映像を、他の場所Bで再現することで、もう一つの場所が生まれます。GPSと携帯情報端末によって、参加者は横浜の街を移動しながら、他の都市の音と映像を体感することができます。